Body Treatments

Body massage

Massage is a therapy not only for your body but also for your mind and spirit. Our experienced holistic practitioners will tailor one just for you to increase health and well-being.

60 mins and up

Slimming & Detoxication

This signature program is focused on draining the lymphatic blockage which will assist detoxication and slimming. Different machines are involved in this program, including : Lumicell Touch, I-ThinCavi Tri-Polar Radio Frequency System and Alpha Spa system. Lymphatic drainage massage therapy is also part of this program. Our experts will design your program individually to fit your specific needs in order to achieve the ideal result.

  • Lumicell Touch : The powerful vacuum assists deep tissue massage, releases  lymphatic blockage and stimulates blood flow. It combines with infrared light which warms up the tissue to induce elimination of fat and toxins.
  •  I-ThinCavi : Tri-Polar Radio Frequency System : Ultrasound cavitation causes tons of air bubbles around fat cells which put high pressure on the membranes and eventually break them.
  •  Alpha Spa System : It helps you lose weight and attain a sleek and healthy body. It also helps you cleanse and detoxify by eliminating toxins and impurities through perspiration.